Somebody Made An Animated Intro For "The Wire" And It's AWESOME



This is going to surprise no one but I couldn’t have loved that anymore than I did. Pretty much perfect. It made me miss The Wire all over again. The drug dealing, the stake outs, Lester and all the pieces, wire taps, Bunk with his cigar, Omar. All of it.  It was a trip down memory lane for people who have seen the show.  Every time anything comes out about The Wire it makes me want to watch the entire series over again.  I’ve already done it a couple times but goddamn is it a time commitment. 60 hours of TV. It’s totally worth it and, if you can believe it, the show is even better the second time through. I think it was a year ago when HBO ran a marathon of The Wire during holiday time and everybody got to watch it and tweet about it together.  That was fantastic.  Alas. Great animation video that’ll probably watch 20 more times today.  Some people might argue differently but the intro song for Season 1 of The Wire is the best. Glad that’s the one they used.



Intro songs for The Wire Ranked:


5. Season 4



4. Season 3





3. Season 5




2. Season 2




1. Season 1



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